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And, yes, I DO take it personally: AMLO alleges Mexican elections were rigged
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Sunday, July 09, 2006

AMLO alleges Mexican elections were rigged

i hope he's got strong evidence to support his case, because, otherwise, he will be characterized as a fool and a sore loser and will have unleashed a potential monster by stirring a pot that's been ready to boil for quite some time...
López Obrador ignited the smoldering emotions of his followers Saturday morning, alleging for the first time that Mexico's electoral commission had rigged its computers before the July 2 election to ensure the half-percentage-point victory of Felipe Calderón, a champion of free trade.


On Saturday, he gave a mega-display of street power, drawing an estimated 280,000 people into the city center on a humid, drizzly afternoon, according to a Mexico City government estimate.

The crowd chanted, "Strong, strong!" when López Obrador stepped to the microphone. The former Mexico City mayor then declared that the electoral commission had "played with the hopes" of millions of Mexicans by allegedly rigging the vote total. Thousands chanted back: "You are not alone!"

the good news... the wapo didn't put this description of amlo in their page one headline: "failed populist candidate..." the bad news... it was in the opening paragraph...

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