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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Yes, sometimes denial is preferable to facing reality
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"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Friday, March 10, 2006

Yes, sometimes denial is preferable to facing reality

i get very tired of reading intelligent, rational people applying accepted tenets of intelligent, rational thinking to bushco... for nearly six years, it's been painfully apparent that the rationale followed by bush and his posse is based on assumptions and drivers that do not conform to the accepted norms of intelligence and rationality... when you look at the bushco pattern systemically and attempt to discern the pattern of the whole, it is clear that, first of all, there IS a pattern and, second of all, that the pattern IS both rational and internally consistent...

why it appears irrational to us is that we cannot accept the truth of the pattern that their actions reveal - deliberate distortion of truth, conscious and determined creation of chaos and fear and dogged accumulation of power, money and social control... success to them requires lobotomizing the constitution, rigging elections, fabricating a diabolical enemy, waging endless war, funneling vast sums of money into their own pockets, exploiting the earth's resources regardless of planetary consequences, holding the media on a tight leash, eliminating any implied or explicit social contract, and maintaining a populace cowering in fear...

a related myth is bushco's incompetence... sorry but it ain't incompetence... they are extraordinarily good at what they do... in the space of the short six years they have been in office, the u.s. has moved from a quasi-democracy to a nearly flat-out dictatorship complete with state-sponsored terrorism... every element necessary to achieving their ends is in place and, to date, nothing of the magnitude necessary to stop this juggernaut has been put forward...

sometimes reality is simply so horrifying that living in denial is preferable... i don't personally know a single person around the world, u.s. citizen or otherwise, who wants to accept the truth... the ones i read who do are often labeled fringe nutcases and members of the tinfoil hat club... even writing stuff like the above, i often have to stop and do my own sanity check... but, folks, the pattern is there, like it or not... pretending it isn't won't make it go away...

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