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And, yes, I DO take it personally: The undisputed master of hypocrisy
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Thursday, March 09, 2006

The undisputed master of hypocrisy

the textbook case of lack of accountability doesn't hesitate to point fingers...
President Bush, on a Gulf Coast inspection tour that included his first visit to this city's storm-shattered Lower Ninth Ward, bluntly accused Congress on Wednesday of underfunding the repairs and called for speedy action to make good on federal commitments.

The president said Congress has been slow to provide funding to rebuild housing destroyed by Hurricane Katrina and, while pledging to make New Orleans's levees "equal or better than they were before" the storm, attacked a congressional decision last year to redirect $1.5 billion from his request to repair the region's flood-protection system to projects in other storm-affected states.

there is nothing the man will not stoop to in an effort to make himself look good, particularly if it's at someone else's expense... after leading a 6-year crusade to lobotomize any hint of an implicit or explicit social contract, after gutting every federal program within reach while working with a congress that's handed him everything he ever wanted on a silver platter, and after a criminally negligent katrina disaster response, george has the unmitigated gall to accuse congress of not being responsive... what a guy...

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