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And, yes, I DO take it personally: US Senator Robert C. Byrd says what needs to be said
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Thursday, February 16, 2006

US Senator Robert C. Byrd says what needs to be said

Senator Byrd holding a pocket-sized
copy of the U.S. Constitution

yes, senator byrd has a checkered past but so do we all... on the subject of the constitution, however, he knows what he's talking about...
Is this where we are heading in the land of the free? Are secret government programs that spy on American citizens proliferating? The question is not, "Is Big Brother watching?" It is "How many Big Brothers have we?"

Ever since the New York Times revealed that President George W. Bush has personally authorized surveillance of American citizens without obtaining a warrant, I have become increasingly concerned about dangers to the people's liberty. I believe that both current law and the Constitution may have been violated -- not once, but many times -- and in ways that the Congress and the people may never know because of this White House and its penchant for control and secrecy.

We cannot continue to claim that we are a nation of laws and not of men if our laws and, indeed, even the Constitution of the United States itself, may by summarily breached because of some determination of expediency or because the President says "trust me."

i would go a wee bit further than the good senator... i think it was well before the nyt revealed the warrantless spying program that our constitution was in trouble... in fact, i can pretty much peg it to the day the appeal was filed with the supreme court to stop the florida recount, a successful maneuver to sidestep the electoral process and the first of many more aimed at seizing the reins of absolute power... it was some time ago that we abandoned the claim that we are a nation of laws... the evidence is all around us...

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