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And, yes, I DO take it personally: George Bush: world-class doofus, pt. 2
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

George Bush: world-class doofus, pt. 2

rummy didn't know... pace didn't know... now we find out george didn't know... and he didn't know BECAUSE...?

a) nobody told him...?
b) he never asked...?
c) he didn't want to know...?
d) somebody told him but he forgot...?
e) it isn't his job to "know things...?"
f) all the above...
g) none of the above...
h) who's george...?

Bush faces a rebellion from leaders of his own party, as well as from Democrats, about the deal that would put Dubai Ports in charge of major shipping operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia.

While Bush has adamantly defended the deal, the White House acknowledged that he did not know about it until recently.

"He became aware of it over the last several days," McClellan said. Asked if Bush did not know about it until it was a done deal, McClellan said, "That's correct."

i'm still trying to figure out if this movie i've been watching for almost six years is a comedy or a tragedy... one thing for sure - it has the most surreal, bizarre and mind-bending plot imaginable... no playwright, author or screenwriter could come up with shit half as mind-exploding as this without someone making a referral for a psych exam...

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