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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Bush preaches to China - from Japan - extolling Taiwan
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bush preaches to China - from Japan - extolling Taiwan

george... you're headed to china this weekend... you're in the process of restricting freedoms at home... you excoriate your dissenters and accuse them of irresponsibility and lack of patriotism... now, you lob more demagoguery from kyoto (whose environmental protocols you reject) at beijing and, compounding matters, set forth taiwan, one of the biggest burrs under china's saddle, as the example china should follow...
President Bush prodded China on Wednesday to grant more political freedom to its 1.3 billion people and held up archrival Taiwan as a society that successfully moved from repression to democracy as it opened its economy.

In remarks sure to rile Beijing, Bush suggested China should follow Taiwan's path.

"Modern Taiwan is free and democratic and prosperous. By embracing freedom at all levels, Taiwan has delivered prosperity to its people and created a free and democratic Chinese society," the president said.

look... condi just got smacked down by egypt at an international summit in bahrain aimed at promoting democracy in the middle east and you're now very likely to have considerably lowered the temperature of your beijing reception...

george... slowly now, repeat after me... d - i - p - l - o - m - a - c - y... do you see the difference between that and h - o - l - i - e - r___t - h - a - n___t - h - o - u...?

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