The assault on the middle class... Does ANYBODY care...?
piggy-backing on skadi's earlier post, here's a snip from a kos diary fomenting against how seemingly any concern for real people's problems has disappeared from public discourse, liberal or conservative... nyceve was responding to a post on kos from senator barack obama...
There's a special place in Hell reserved for Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, Bill Frist, Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney, all of these criminals.Submit To Propeller
But I don't have the luxury of reveling for too long in this wonderful news of indictments and frog marches. Like many Americans, I worry about paying next months skyrocketing bills. Things are spiraling out of control, Mr. Obama. Next time you join us here, talk to me, recognize my fears, recognize that life has become mired in despair for countless Americans. Understand the most painful truth, which is that many of us no longer recognize this as the America we grew up in.
Let me tell you something Kossacks, let me tell any still semi-coherent Democratic office holder, many Americans don't have the time to feel more than passing joy at the coming implosion of the House of Bush. All we worry about is staying one step ahead of the onslaught of bills.