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And, yes, I DO take it personally: The 'Bush Way': Scottie twists in the wind...
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The 'Bush Way': Scottie twists in the wind...

yesterday at the press gaggle...
The 32-minute pummeling was perhaps the worst McClellan received since he got the job two years ago. His eyes were red and tired. He wiggled his foot nervously behind the lectern and robotically refused to answer no fewer than 35 questions about Rove and the outing of the CIA's Valerie Plame. Twenty-two times McClellan repeated that an "ongoing" investigation prevented him from explaining the gap between his past statements and the facts.

let's get really, really real here... how many times has some hot new story, supposedly heaven-sent to trip up bushco, gone flat in a matter of a few weeks...? let's start with something as recent as the downing street memo... then there's everything from armstrong williams to mary carey... (sorry, i just don't have the energy to do an exhaustive list... it's only 9 a.m. and my butt is already dragging...) here's my prediction... three weeks from now, we'll be off on yet another chase after yet another gagging bushco boo-boo and rove will still be in the white house, smiling out of his asshole...

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