Theoligarchy Watch: SEC handed to the finance community on a plate
no surprise... the securities and exchange commission, an agency supposedly in place to protect citizens against corporate excess, can't be allowed to show teeth... god forbid they should in any way obstruct the pursuit of naked greed... when bush appointed his loyalty-tested friend and republican party member william donaldson in february 2003, he no doubt thought he had served appearances and the hoo-hah over enron and its ilk would fade into the sunset like every other major issue he's been able to sweep under the rug... well, dagnabit, donaldson thought he was there to do a JOB...! son-of-a-gun... ya think ya know somebody and then they go and stab you in the back... so, after the finance industry raises a hue and cry (a$ only they can do, witne$$ the pa$$age of the recent bankruptcy bill), donaldson decides to go bye-bye... enter chris cox, another loyalty-tested friend and republican party member, primed to NOT TO DO THE JOB RIGHT this time... the pandering is so transparent... i wonder what people are watching on tv now that american idol's over...? just a thought...
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pan·dered; pan·der·ing /-d(&-)ri[ng]/
: to act as a pander; especially : to provide gratification for others' desires Submit To Propeller
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): pan·dered; pan·der·ing /-d(&-)ri[ng]/
: to act as a pander; especially : to provide gratification for others' desires Submit To Propeller