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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Now, HERE'S somebody who recognizes that we're in a constitutional crisis
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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Now, HERE'S somebody who recognizes that we're in a constitutional crisis

it doesn't happen often that a front-page blogger on an "a" list liberal-progressive blog lays it on the line...

meteor blades at daily kos...

I, for one, won't be partying January 20. I'm saving that for the end of that legendary first 100 days first instituted by FDR. Or longer.

Until I see the new President seek a gutting of the Patriot Act. Until domestic spying is controlled by a judicial arrangement far more constraining than the rubber-stamp operation begun 30 years ago after the Church Commission dug into the criminality of U.S. intelligence operations. Until torture in all its forms is renounced and the renunciation backed by dire punishment for perpetrators no matter what high office they hold. Until the Bush Doctrine and its noxious policy of preventive war is rescinded.

And, most importantly, until I see evidence that the first steps are being taken toward upending the military-industrial-congressional-petroleum complex and developing a post-Cold War, post-9/11 foreign policy based on mutual cooperation and recognizing that in the 21st Century global interests will far outweigh national interests if humanity is going to survive until the 22nd Century.

When all that gets underway, then I'll join the revelers.

yes, yes, and yes...

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