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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Give Conyers a backbone transplant
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Give Conyers a backbone transplant

We must also give Conyers a backbone transplant. Let's flood Conyers and other House Judiciary Democrats with more emails than ever:

my contribution...
Our constitutionally-based, democratic republic is in grave danger. The damage already done in the past 6 1/2 years of the criminal Bush administration is disastrous enough, but what can conceivably take place in the next 18 months is terrifying to contemplate. As citizens, we must exercise our constitutionally-granted powers to replace the government when it no longer adheres to the premises and principles upon which it is based. Under the provision of separate but equal powers, the legislative branch, specifically the House of Representatives, has the duty and obligation to act on behalf of the citizens to defend the United States Constitution. The Bush administration must be removed as expeditiously as possible and we demand that Congress act immediately to save our country.

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