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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Don't provide free exposure for this sorry excuse for a human being
Mandy: Great blog!
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Penny: I'm glad I found your blog (from a comment on Think Progress), it's comprehensive and very insightful.
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Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Don't provide free exposure for this sorry excuse for a human being

once again, think progress posts on bill kristol...
Today, on Fox News Sunday, Kristol argued that the violence in Iraq does not constitute a civil war:
We’re not in a civil war. This is just not true. American troops are attacking al Qaeda. They’re attacking some elements of the Shi’a militias. They’re doing other things, helping with reconciliation. They are not in the middle of a civil war. It’s not true.

i really do wish think progress would cease giving exposure to this sad excuse for a human being... if you go back and count up the number of times think progress has posted on bill kristol, i think you would come up with a surprisingly large number... sure, i suppose an occasional post is warranted, but not to this degree... by focusing so intensely on somebody like this, even though it's in a negative context, they create the impression that he has more influence than he does, and, in fact, may actually GIVE him more influence than he deserves...

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