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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Allowing guns in schools is total raging wingnut insanity
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Allowing guns in schools is total raging wingnut insanity

reading this kind of serious mental derangement makes me crazy...
"The latest school shooting at Virginia Tech demands an immediate end to the gun-free zone law," Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt said in an e-mail. "It is irresponsibly dangerous to tell citizens that they may not have guns at schools."

or this...
The murder of innocent victims is a disgrace, and our condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones in the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech.

More than one year before Monday's unprecedented shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, the state's General Assembly quashed a bill that would have given qualified college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus. Could one legally armed citizen have made a difference at this tragic event?

We also need to ask the question: Do laws prohibiting firearms in certain places really prevent homicidal tragedies?

There is a striking paradox associated with mass murders. They are far more likely to occur in areas that have been designated as gun-free zones.

i have never owned a gun nor have i ever considered owning a gun... even the sight of guns makes me deeply uncomfortable... while i respect the 2d amendment, i have no tolerance for arguments in favor of gun ownership... the fact that anyone would WANT to own one, with the sole exception of hunters, eludes me... i don't advocate a prohibition on gun ownership, but this notion of everyone carrying a gun, to me, is evidence of a deeply diseased society, and i want no part of it...

(thanks to think progress...)

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