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And, yes, I DO take it personally: 2 years and 1 month
Mandy: Great blog!
Mark: Thanks to all the contributors on this blog. When I want to get information on the events that really matter, I come here.
Penny: I'm glad I found your blog (from a comment on Think Progress), it's comprehensive and very insightful.
Eric: Nice site....I enjoyed it and will be back.
nora kelly: I enjoy your site. Keep it up! I particularly like your insights on Latin America.
Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Thursday, April 05, 2007

2 years and 1 month

and 100,000 hits... i've been waiting to post about the 2d anniversary of this blog until the counter hit that magic number... it's certainly not anything like the traffic of the bigs, but that's ok... traffic's nice, and, if i had a ton more of it, i might actually earn a dollar or two, but that's not the point... the point is that i really care about what's happening in my country and desperately want to see it change... if this blog can contribute in the smallest way to that happening, it's well worth the time and energy spent... then there's the issue of my sanity... working on this every day gives me an outlet for the massive frustration i feel when i look at what's going on... i can put my thoughts out there rather than bottling them up inside - and that may be worth more than anything else...

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