Some good news: back to paper ballots in Florida
verifiable, trackable, auditable voting... what a concept...!
i don't personally give much of a damn HOW it's done, but i do know this - if our electoral system can't consistently demonstrate full integrity, we will continue to be screwed a la florida in 2000 and ohio in 2004... Submit To Propeller
Gov. Charlie Crist announced plans on Thursday to abandon the touch-screen voting machines that many of Florida’s counties installed after the disputed 2000 presidential election. The state will instead adopt a system of casting paper ballots counted by scanning machines in time for the 2008 presidential election.
i don't personally give much of a damn HOW it's done, but i do know this - if our electoral system can't consistently demonstrate full integrity, we will continue to be screwed a la florida in 2000 and ohio in 2004... Submit To Propeller