"...a movement that takes no prisoners, creates enemies, and makes the Beltway Establishment angry"
david sirota in the huffpo...
if each one of us who really has the courage of his or her convictions was to stand foursquare on those beliefs, speak up for them, and act on them each and every day, the "movement" would self-create... Submit To Propeller
"...will we have the guts to build a movement that takes no prisoners, creates enemies, and makes the Beltway Establishment angry as we pursue goals like universal health care, fair trade, better wages, serious environmental protections and real civil liberties?"
if each one of us who really has the courage of his or her convictions was to stand foursquare on those beliefs, speak up for them, and act on them each and every day, the "movement" would self-create... Submit To Propeller