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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Greenwald thinks Bushco doesn't care about public opinion anymore
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Greenwald thinks Bushco doesn't care about public opinion anymore

and he had this blinding glimpse of the obvious when, exactly...?
The administration and its allies have already begun aggressively asserting that the President does not need Congressional authorization or anything else in order an outright attack on Iran. When it comes to their war plans, they don't care about public opinion anymore. For that reason -- as was amply demonstrated by the President's now already underway "surge" plan -- merely winning the public debate over Iran will not be anywhere near sufficient to impede the President's plans regarding Iran."

i've said until i'm positively blue in the face that NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING tops the need to get bush and his cabal out of the white house...

as much as i respect glenn greenwald, this happy horse crap about bushco no longer caring about public opinion is perhaps the most disingenuous thing i've ever read, and, coming from him, it's shocking... the bush administration has signaled from the get-go that it will do whatever it goddam well pleases... yes, when it had public opinion on its side, well, that was just a nice plus...

if richard clarke didn't slow 'em down, if a free-fall in the polls didn't slow 'em down, if scooter's indictment didn't slow 'em down, if the pushback from the joint chiefs didn't slow 'em down, if the michigan court decision didn't slow 'em down, if the november elections didn't slow 'em down, if congressional r's jumping ship left and right didn't slow 'em down, WHAT IN GOD'S GREEN EARTH makes anybody think that they're gonna be stopped short of kicking their pathetic asses out the white house front door...?

i'm thrilled that the dems have accomplished their first 100-hour agenda, but, unfortunately, all it does is mask the real issue - as long as george & co. occupy 1600 pennsylvania avenue, we might as well just bend over and take it...

(thanks to lukery at wot is it good 4...)

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