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And, yes, I DO take it personally: CIA secret flights - 11 EU nations "faked it"
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

CIA secret flights - 11 EU nations "faked it"

looks like the u.s. isn't the only country with a policy of lying...
The European Parliament has issued a report into CIA secret flights and prisons in the European Union. It points the finger at 11 EU states, saying they knew all about the extraordinary renditions program.

When the existence of secret CIA flights ferrying terror suspects through Europe to third countries for interrogation -- so-called "extraordinary renditions" --of terror suspects hit the headlines last year, Europeans were appalled. A number of European governments were likewise quick to voice their shock at such behavior.

Turns out, they faked it. A June report by the Council of Europe outlined the collusion of many EU states with the CIA's activities. And now, the European Parliament has issued its own draft report into the matter. It accuses 11 EU countries of having turned a blind eye to the questionable practices.

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