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And, yes, I DO take it personally: George is creating enough terrorists to insure an endless war
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"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it."
- Noam Chomsky
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

George is creating enough terrorists to insure an endless war

(aj at americablog on the nie...)
We assess that the underlying factors fueling the spread of the movement outweight its vulnerabilities and are likely to do so for the duration of the timeframe of this Estimate.

Those underlying factors are listed as, basically, entrenched grievances and humiliation; Iraq; lack of political reform in Muslim nations; and pervasive anti-U.S. sentiment among most muslims. These are all interconnected, of course, and Bush administration policies, especially its intransigence on Iraq, are hurting more than they are helping.


The report is definitive, provocative, and damning, and every day between now and the elections Democrats -- and sane Republicans -- should demand accountability for these unconscionable failures of Presidential and Congressional leadership.

i know the popular wisdom says that bushco is a failure and that gross incompetence and mismanagement has led us to this pass... i don't buy it... bush and his cabal have worked diligently to INCREASE the likelihood of terrorists attacks and to PROMOTE the conditions that breed terrorists, and they've succeeded beyond their wildest dreams... the worst possible thing that could happen to the bush administration is to have the terrorists GO AWAY... the agenda to create a totalitarian state would collapse overnight...

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