More diversion, more muzzling, more wasting time, more b.s.
it's simply flabbergasting to me how much time and energy is expended sucking up to george bush, pandering to the wingnut base, and playing along with karl rove's crafted-in-hell talking points...
look, you morons, freedom of the press is and has always been one of the key foundations upon which this country was built... leave it the hell alone... besides, there's simply no rational basis for it...
House Republican leaders are expected to introduce a resolution today condemning The New York Times for publishing a story last week that exposed government monitoring of banking records.
look, you morons, freedom of the press is and has always been one of the key foundations upon which this country was built... leave it the hell alone... besides, there's simply no rational basis for it...
“Under no circumstances would we revoke anyone’s credentials simply because a government official is unhappy with what that correspondent’s newspaper has written,” said Susan Milligan, a reporter for the Boston Globe, which is owned by the Times, who also serves the standing chairwoman of the Standing Committee of Correspondents. “The rules say nothing about the stories a newspaper chooses to pursue, or the reaction those stories provoke. The Times clearly meets our standards for credentials.”Submit To Propeller