Dems "bogged down...?" No, it's about soul...
no, we're in a struggle to recover our soul...
and i can tell ya right now, "demographic, voting and other data to test various strategies" is a big part of how we lost our soul to begin with... empiricism, when the foundations of the country are being systematically demolished is pure, unadulterated crap... in fact, let's take a look at the #1 definition of empiricism from merriam-webster...
"The Democratic Party has got bogged down in a dispute between centrists and populists," [Ruy] Teixeira said. "We've been trying to approach the question of strategy for the Democratic Party in an empirical way" by using demographic, voting and other data to test various strategies.
and i can tell ya right now, "demographic, voting and other data to test various strategies" is a big part of how we lost our soul to begin with... empiricism, when the foundations of the country are being systematically demolished is pure, unadulterated crap... in fact, let's take a look at the #1 definition of empiricism from merriam-webster...
Main Entry: em·pir·i·cismSubmit To Propeller
Pronunciation: im-'pir-&-"si-z&m, em-
Function: noun
1 a : a former school of medical practice founded on experience without the aid of science or theory b : QUACKERY, CHARLATANRY