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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Should Fox believe that deploying the Nat'l Guard on the Mexican border is "temporary...?"
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Monday, May 15, 2006

Should Fox believe that deploying the Nat'l Guard on the Mexican border is "temporary...?"

with his track record, is there any particular reason to believe anything george says...?
President Bush's plan to send National Guard troops to patrol the southern border of the United States has raised the concern of his longtime ally President Vicente Fox of Mexico, who called Mr. Bush on Sunday to express his worries.

White House officials said Mr. Bush assured Mr. Fox that a permanent National Guard presence on the border was not being considered.

"The president made clear that the United States considers Mexico a friend," said Maria Tamburri, a White House spokeswoman.

Ms. Tamburri said the president told Mr. Fox, "What is being considered is not a militarization of the border, but support of border patrol capabilities, on a temporary basis, by National Guard personnel."

when the mexican head of state is sufficiently concerned about the plans of his northern neighbor to place a call to that country's head of state on a SUNDAY, i think it would be safe to say, "houston, we have a problem..." i'm also sure that fox is quite aware of george's propensity for lying his ass off...

also, calling fox a "longtime ally" of bush is stretching the truth almost beyond recognition... george has repeatedly and thoroughly flipped off vicente in almost every conceivable way... george might WANT to think of fox as an ally and i think, at one time, fox actually WANTED TO BE an ally, but that window of opportunity slammed shut when mexico refused to support the u.s. on the iraq invasion and the u.s. was actually hinting at sanctions...

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