War is not only the best option, it is the ONLY option.
once again, glenn greenwald is on the money...
war is the only tool that works if you are among those who believe that fear, wealth and power are humanity's principal drivers and if you can succeed in persuading others to believe the same...
at least it would provide a starting point... Submit To Propeller
[W]ar is always the best option. It is the only option for those who are noble, strong, and fearless. Conversely, the sole reason for opposing a war is that one is a weak-minded and weak-willed appeaser who harbors dangerous fantasies of negotiating with madmen. Diplomacy and containment are simply elevated, PC terms for appeasement. War is the only tool that works.
war is the only tool that works if you are among those who believe that fear, wealth and power are humanity's principal drivers and if you can succeed in persuading others to believe the same...
The now well-known principle, Godwin's Law, holds:"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made the thread in which the comment was posted is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress.
That principle should be applied 100-fold to foreign policy choices, especially decisions about whether to start new wars.
at least it would provide a starting point... Submit To Propeller