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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Sorry, Dianne, but I think you're full of shit
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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sorry, Dianne, but I think you're full of shit

no, dianne... he SHOULDN'T be on the court... roe v. wade is one thing... the entire arena of womens' rights is another... upholding employer's rights over employee rights is another... civil liberties is another... and, yes, i agree... NONE of those individually or even together are reasons to bar alito from the court... but, dianne, dear... with the unitary executive theory enthroned on the bench, you and your fellow members of congress might just as well clean out your desks and go home... your services will no longer be needed...
"I do not see a likelihood of a filibuster," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "This might be a man I disagree with, but it doesn't mean he shouldn't be on the court."

She said she will not vote to confirm the appeals court judge, based on his conservative record. But she acknowledged that nothing emerged during last week's hearings to justify any organized action by Democrats to stall the nomination.

wake up and smell the coffee, dianne... look at our constitution floating in the toilet... look at the hand of samuel alito reaching for the handle... listen for that familiar flushing sound...

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