Torture: Arthur brings us squarely back into reality
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[W]hat the Bush administration seeks is nothing less than an official government-wide sanction and approval of the use of intentionally inflicted, unbearable, monstrous and inhumane pain on human beings. Civilized people would recoil and strongly oppose such methods if they were suggested as a way to deal with animals and beasts of burden -- yet the United States now wants to officially approve treating people in the same way, or worse. And they forget that, even if we were to put the determinative moral issues aside, every expert on the subject offers the same conclusion: torture does not work. Yet they insist on using it anyway, whenever they decide they need to, using whatever argument of the moment they happen to select as justification. This is the "moral leadership" and the "ideal" we now offer the world -- and the ideal we say justifies the use of military force even against entire countries that do not threaten us.Submit To Propeller