Rummy to U.N. - No Guantanamo for you...!
secret prisons, unwillingness to guarantee geneva rights and no international scrutiny... how did we come to this point...?
at least the icrc is still allowed in...
Amid growing concern over the fate and conditions of inmates engaged in a lengthy hunger strike at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Tuesday said he would not permit U.N. investigators to interview detainees there.
On Oct. 27, the Pentagon invited three U.N. experts -- special rapporteurs on torture, religious freedom, and arbitrary detentions -- to visit Guantanamo, but added that they would not be permitted to meet with detainees.
at least the icrc is still allowed in...
He stressed that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will continue to have unlimited access to the prisoners, some of whom have been held for four years without trial.Submit To Propeller