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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Selling arms to the Saudis...
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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Selling arms to the Saudis...

why aren't they just giving it away like they did not long ago with the $1.3B in arms for pakistan...? oh, wait... never mind... i forgot... pakistan is such an exemplar of democracy in the middle east and such a GOOD FRIEND of the u.s... besides the saudis can afford to buy them outright with all their oil money... (oh, and btw, let's not forget the u.s. again dominated global weapons sales last year, signing deals worth $12.4 billion, or 33.5 percent of all contracts worldwide...)
The Pentagon on Monday approved more than $2 billion in possible weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, including combat vehicles, aircraft parts and battlefield communications systems.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of three potential deals. It said the sales would help the U.S. by contributing to the security of a friendly country that "continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East."

hah...? wanna run that last one by me again...? i coulda sworn you said the sale would contribute to keeping the saudi royal family in power...

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