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And, yes, I DO take it personally: A short editorial from the management
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A short editorial from the management

having had to rely on the msm for my news over the past few days due to travel and limited internet access, i find that i am deeply insulted at the groveling media coverage of the white house's attack on newsweek and the massive amount of time that has been devoted to it... i am equally insulted at the time given to vicente fox's faux pas...

both are news stories, to be sure, but with all of the really critical news going on in the world - the filibuster, iraq's near civil war, delay's corruption, the "smoking gun" memo, etc. - it is truly pathetic what makes its way onto the airwaves and into print... we have been heading toward bottom for a long time but i think i just heard the thud...

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