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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Petty, punitive and hate-fueled
Mandy: Great blog!
Mark: Thanks to all the contributors on this blog. When I want to get information on the events that really matter, I come here.
Penny: I'm glad I found your blog (from a comment on Think Progress), it's comprehensive and very insightful.
Eric: Nice site....I enjoyed it and will be back.
nora kelly: I enjoy your site. Keep it up! I particularly like your insights on Latin America.
Alison: Loquacious as ever with a touch of elegance -- & right on target as usual!
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- Noam Chomsky
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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Petty, punitive and hate-fueled

the fact that something like this is even an issue much less something that's made its way up to the supreme court is sad evidence of what's going on in this country...
The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide whether Congress can constitutionally withhold federal money from universities that show their support for gay rights by restricting access to campuses by military recruiters.

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