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And, yes, I DO take it personally: Rove is the man with the plan
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Rove is the man with the plan

Bush Plan Aids Poor, Squeezes the Rest

the la times smells something but they're quite sure if they wanna call it shit... raw story's headline doesn't hesitate...

Bush's plan: Getting U.S. off the dole

(btw, when exactly did social security become a welfare program anyway...?)

As the full dimensions of President Bush's Social Security plan come into view, so too does a broader vision . . . [H]is approach also corresponds to a long-held conservative goal of reducing Washington's influence in the lives of ordinary Americans and to the aim of his chief political strategist Karl Rove to realign the nation along Republican principles.

the la times goes on to quote michael tanner of the cato institute, a washington think tank that advocates small government...
"We're going to tell non-poor Americans that they are going to have to save more on their own and not depend on a transfer from government," he said.

i don't know how long it's gonna take people to wake up... first of all, rove's principles aren't representative of the majority of republican principles... they are shaped and driven by an extreme faction of the republican party... (although you could argue about who's being driven by who, my gut tells me that the disciplined, tightly coordinated, massive frontal assault we're experiencing leaped directly from the forehead of boy genius...) the agenda, from the time bush was just a gleam in rove's eye, has been clear...

  • destroy any real or implied social contract between government and its citizens
  • reduce or eliminate u.s. involvement in the u.n.
  • insure that the u.s. is the sole arbiter in geopolitics and the global economy
  • implicitly confirm social darwinism as the prime directive for society and the economy
  • install fundamentalist christianity as the prime directive for values and behavior
how the above will be/is being accomplished:

  • drastically cut taxes with benefits going primarily to businesses and the already well-to-do
  • refuse to bolster the dollar against other world currencies
  • fully fund the neo-con ideology of world dominance
  • propose federal budgets that seriously cut social programs and justify them as 1) responding to the deficit, 2) creating an "ownership" society and 3) reducing or eliminating dependency on the government
  • identify and support everything aligned with fundamentalist christian beliefs: political candidates; cabinet, judicial and other executive appointments; legislation; executive orders
  • insure that all members of the republican party only speak in line with officially approved party messages under threat of sanction up to and including dirty tricks
  • undermine the credibility of the u.n. and other transnational organizations both from within through u.s. appointees and from without by refusal to participate and unilateral actions
this is obviously not an exhaustive list but it captures the essence... meanwhile, those of us who see the handwriting on the wall flail around with people like tom delay, jamesjeffgannonguckert, bill frist, james dobson, and the rest of the squalid gang... folks, i'm here to tell ya... the dangerous man is KARL ROVE...

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