Call for prisoner abuse inquiry
The US should name a special prosecutor to look at Donald Rumsfeld's possible role in the abuse of US military prisoners, a human rights group says.
Human Rights Watch says the US defence secretary may bear "command responsibility" for abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere.
let's be really, really, really shoe-leather honest for a change... did rummy have a role...? hell, yeah... a major role...? hell, yeah... did his boss have a role...? hell, yeah... a major role...? HELL, yeah... like the old saying goes, the snake ain't dead until you cut off its head...
"The soldiers at the bottom of the chain are taking the heat for Abu Ghraib and torture around the world while the guys at the top who made the policies are going scot free," said Reed Brody, special counsel for HRW.
of COURSE...! let the poor, dumb bastards at the bottom take the fall... it's the american way...! major corporations are run at the expense of the front line, why not the gum'mint...?
after writing about this horror story all morning, my patience is friggin' GONE...! i can even cut a teeny-tiny bit of slack for the senior military officers involved (except for sanchez who lied under oath)... after all, when the president and defense secretary say "jump," they better say, "how high...?" but bush, rummy, wolfie, perle, condi, karl, alberto, feith, cheney, negroponte, bolton, the whole goddam lot of 'em oughta be tarred, feathered and run outta town on a rail, just like they did to gutierrez in ecuador last week - only they wouldn't even LET gutierrez get outta town which is why he's now holed up in the brazilian embassy in quito... Submit To Propeller